Controlled Calving
A controlled calving season is a 60-90 day period when all calves are born. It allows improved nutrient, health, and marketing management due to animal similarity all year.
Winter Calving
Calves born late December to early March
Cows bred mid March to mid May; calves weaned September/early October
Calves older at traditional time of sale
Older, bigger bulls to sell for purebred operations
Avoids breeding during hottest part of year
Little problem with mud at calving
Calving in coldest part of the year--longer time from calving to pasture
High cow costs due to more need for stored feed
Cows take longer to recycle
Calves grazed during summer forage slump
Commercial calves marketed when prices are low
Spring Calving
Calves born March-May-65-75% of herds in Virginia
Cows bred in June and July; calves weaned from October to December
Favorable weather for calving
Lactating cows fed primarily on pasture-costs lower (dry cows over winter)
Calves marketed before winter begins
Can be muddy at calving
Calves grazed through the summer forage slump
Calbes sold when prices are low
Fall Calving
Calves born September to earl November-20-30% of herds
Cows bred in December and January; calves weaned late spring/early summer
Weather favorable for calving
Cows usually dry during summer forage slump
Cows cycle back quickly after calving
Avoid breeding during hottest part of the year
Calves marketed during year's highest prices
Lactating cows and calves fed during winter--cow costs are increased
Calf health may suffer in western Virginia
Breeding during shortest days of the year
If weaned early spring, calf weight might be light
Need to keep calves longer to make up for winter